Your success might exist endangered if your book does not accept an audiobook version. That means yous have to know how to make an audiobook to solve the problem. Audiobooks are growing in popularity, and if y'all're an author non taking reward of this medium, you're losing an entire audience who might be interested in your story.

The following guide will explicate how to brand an audiobook, along with the steps you need to follow.

i․ Getting Your eBook Set up for Audiobook Recording
You may have no idea how to convert written content to an audio file, especially when y'all're just getting started. As you prepare your written content for recording, consolidate it into a single document. When you record the audio version, you can read the script while recording it. While reviewing the manuscript, remove anything that won't make sense when narrated to avert getting confused.

For recording your audiobook, yous'll need to do the following:

  • Remove hyperlinks, captions, visuals.
  • Make sure there aren't any telephone call to activeness or click here prompts (unless you lot nevertheless want them to visit a specific link to download a lead magnet, in this case, create a curt/beautiful link they can remember)

In one case you've finished writing the script, listen to it 1 last time to make certain it all makes sense. Checking whether you lot have difficulty reading over things aloud is another factor to consider. For difficult sections to read aloud, reword or rewrite it to sound as natural as possible.

two. Choose the person who will record your audiobook
The adjacent pace in creating your audiobook is to record it. To begin with, you should decide who will record the book.

You lot have the post-obit options when choosing who volition tape your audiobook:

  1. Hire a professional to tape it for you
  2. Record it yourself in a studio
  3. Work with an audiobook producer
  4. Brand your studio set upward at home (using a DIY organisation)
  5. Rent a narrator for ACX

It's now upward to you to settle on the option that works all-time for you. For instance, if you're writing nonfiction or your own story, you might adopt to record information technology yourself. Y'all tin however rent a narrator if you're unsure how to produce the all-time quality audiobook. If you lot're writing a fiction book, you will probable need a narrator who is proficient in acting.

3. Rent an audiobook narrator
Most audiobook authors find that hiring a professional person to record their books is the nearly efficient and to the lowest degree time-consuming way to get. If you are broken-hearted nearly the cost of hiring a pro for vox work, y'all may be surprised to find that it can be adequately affordable. Authors are mostly concerned about toll when it comes to audiobook narration.

What is the toll of hiring an audiobook narrator, and where do you find ane?
The cost of having your self-published book converted to an audiobook by a professional is less than one-half the cost of converting it yourself, mainly because you won't need to purchase any equipment. Fiction can be much more expensive due to the required acting skills. With some packages, narrators will likewise share their audience with you, which means you are paying for both narration and promotion.

It may be hard for you to find the right talent if you've never hired a freelancer before. The first thing y'all'll need is a proposal.

The purpose of your proposal is to identify the tasks that need to be accomplished. Your proposal should clearly state the scope of the piece of work and the terms of the offer y'all volition brand. Creating sound sample content to share with potential freelance narrators is the second footstep. Think of it as your retail audio sample.

Your retail audio sample serves two purposes:

  1. During the freelance-hiring phase, it can exist shared with potential narrators.
  2. Afterwards on, yous can share it with your future readers on Amazon to spur their involvement in your book.

Enjoy making your retail audio clip-it can exist anything y'all want it to exist! The highlights of a affiliate will suffice, or y'all tin choose to read the entire chapter.

Retail audio samples are designed to entice both narrators and your target audition. The more you can capture their attending and pique their interest in your book, the more probable they desire to learn more.

If you have never worked with a freelancer before, you can observe a listing of narrators on Voices or Upwork. You can also find experienced narrators past searching on Google.

4. Record the audiobook yourself
Creating an audiobook past yourself in a studio is the 2d option. Information technology is essential to realize that self-recording is more fourth dimension-consuming, costly, and involves more than endeavour, especially when you have to pay for time to use a recording studio.

Y'all should block out a substantial amount of time to end your self-recorded audiobook.

An ideal timeline for cocky-recorded audiobooks is equally follows:

  • Plan your recording studio booking three weeks in accelerate.
  • During the recording process, record your book. Allocate sixteen hours for the recording studio.
  • Make sure you have ii weeks to edit your recordings after recording.

All the same, these are just guidelines; once you kickoff your project, the timeline may change. An extended book will obviously take longer to record and edit. Give yourself enough of time to proofread, edit, and finalize your piece of work.

five. Partner with an audiobook producer
Hiring a professional producer is the tertiary mode to create an audiobook. Working with a producer would assist you handle technical difficulties if yous accept never recorded an audiobook earlier. Audiobook producers can keep the audio tracks of summit quality and master the output for the final product.

Using freelancing platforms, such as Fiverr or Upwork, tin help you observe audiobook producers. Simply blazon "audiobooks" in the search bar on Fiverr or Upwork.

The mixing and mastering selection is on the left-manus side of Fiverr. The results of this will give you plenty of opportunities for finding audio engineers, editors, and producers.

six. Record an audiobook at home
Authors tend to experience very close to their work, and then they prefer to tell it in their own words. It is especially true if the book is a family history or a collection of personal stories. When told from the author's perspective, many books sound much ameliorate. Are you confident and able to speak clearly to create your audiobook at abode? You lot may already have the equipment necessary for recording your audiobook if you lot are a podcaster or music producer.

Making an audiobook requires the following equipment:

  1. A decent USB mic. Nosotros recommend Blue Snowball condenser mic (Link) or the Samson Shooting star Mic USB Studio Microphone (Link)
  2. The popular filter. We recommend the Earamble Studio Microphone Pop Filter. (Link)
  3. Audacity. Brazenness is a cross-platform audio recording and editing awarding that is gratis and open source. Here is the link to download Brazenness. (Link)

Buying higher-cease equipment could be a better option. However, these tools should be more than enough for getting the job done.

7. Publish your audiobook on Audiobook Cosmos Substitution
Once you've recorded your book, either by yourself or with the help of a freelancer, you lot'll need to upload it to ACX, also known as Audiobook Cosmos Exchange (Link).

Audiobooks published on the ACX will exist bachelor on Amazon, Audible, and the Apple shop. There'due south no better place to make sure equally many people as possible hear your audiobook. You retain all sound rights while ACX manages distribution for you, similar to how the Kindle Direct Publishing platform works (Link). Uploading may require a lot of steps, but it is a self-explanatory and straightforward process.

Ensure that the information in your printed book matches the information in the audiobook. Similarly, the book encompass and author name should match those on your eBook. ACX will not permit you to proceed if there are variations in identifying information.

A well-produced audiobook tin can help you gain new readers and expand your fan base. Don't be discouraged past the notion that creating an audiobook is out of your comfort zone- we guarantee you that information technology isn't!

Your audiobook can be completed in weeks with professional assistance, resulting in increased sales.